And We have tamed them for them, so some of them - they ride them, and some of them they eat.
and that We have subjected them to men’s will, so that some of them they may use for riding and of some they may eat
And have subdued them unto them, so that some of them they have for riding, some for food
And that We have subjected them to their (use)? of them some do carry them and some they eat
And We have subjected these ˹animals˺ to them, so they may ride some and eat others.
We have tamed [those animals] for them so that they can ride some of them, and some they can eat
We have subjected these to them, so that some may be used for riding and some for food
And We have subjected them to them, so some of them they have to ride upon, and some of them they eat
And We subdued them for them so that of them, some are riding animals and some of them, they eat.
We let them tame them: some of them are to be ridden, while others they eat;
And We have subdued them (animals) to them so that they have some of them for riding and some of them they eat,
and that We have subdued these for them, such that some are a mount for them and of some they eat
And We tamed them for them; some they ride, and some they eat.
And We subdued them for them. Some they ride, and some they eat
And We have subdued them unto them, so thereof (are) their rides and therefrom they eat
We have subjected these animals to them, that they may ride on some and eat the flesh of others
And We have made them meekly subservient (Literally: humiliated) to them, so that (some) of them they have for riding, and (some) they eat
We have made the cattle subservient to them so they ride and consume them
And We have brought them under their control, so as some of them are their means of transport, and some of them they eat
And that We have made them submissive to humans so that some of them they use for riding and others they consume
We have tamed these cattle for them. Some they ride, others they eat
And We have subdued them (the cattle) for their (use)? Of them some are for riding, and some they eat
And We have tamed them for them, so some of them they ride, and some of them they eat
And they were subdued by Us for them. So some they ride, and some they eat.
and made them obedient, so that some can be used for riding, some for food
And We have subdued them Unto them, so that some of them they have for riding and on some of them they feed
Whom We made subservient to them so that some of them they ride and some they eat
We have made them tame for them and some they ride and some they eat.
We have subdued them to them, so that among them (they find) their mounts and from them they obtain food
And We made them tractable for them, so some of them make their mounts and some of them they eat
And We have subjected them to them, so some of them they have to ride upon, and some of them they have for food
And We tamed them for them, and some of them are their rides and they eat some of them.
And that We have subjected them to their use? Of them, some carry them and some they eat
and how We tamed animals to give in to them, so they ride some and eat some of them?
We have subjected the cattle to them so that some of them they ride and eat the flesh of others
And they were subdued by Us for them. So some they ride, and some they eat
And We have made the cattle subservient to them, so some of them they ride, and some they eat
And We have subjected the same for them that some of them they ride and some others they eat.
And we subdued them for them; some they ride, and some they eat.
We have subdued these to them, and some of them they ride and some of them they eat
And We have subjected them to them, so some of them they ride, and some they eat
And We manipulated/eased it for them, so from it (is) their riding , and from it they eat
These are the same animals that I have subdued for them so that they can ride on them and eat their meat
And have subjected the animals for them, so they ride some animals and eat some
And WE have subjected the same to them, so that some of them they use for riding, and of the flesh of some they eat
And We subjected those (cattle) to them. So some of them are their riding animals and they eat some of them
And We have subdued these (cattle) for their use and benefit. So that some of them serve as their riding (beasts) and through others they obtain their food
And We have subdued them unto them so that some of them they have for riding and some they eat
We have subdued them to them, and some of them they ride, and some they eat
and that We have put the same in subjection under them? Some of them are for their riding; and on some of them do they feed
and we have tamed them for them, and of them are some to ride, and of them are what they eat
And that we have subjected them unto them? And on some they ride, and of others they eat
We have subjected these to them, that they may ride on some and eat the flesh of others;
And We have made them subservient to them. From them some are for their ride and from some they eat.
And We have subjected the cattle to them. Some of them they ride and others they eat.
And We made them submissive to them, and they are carried by them and they eat from them.
And We made them manageable by them, so some they ride and some they eat.
[Do they not see] that We have subjected them [for their use]? They ride some of (the cattle), and they eat some of them.
We let them tame them: some of them are to be ridden, while others they eat;
And We subjected them to them. So, among them their ride, and among them they are eating.
We have subjected these to them, so that some of them they use for riding and of some they may eat,
And We have made them submissive, so some of them are mounts, and some of them they eat.
We tamed them (cattle) for them... And on some of them they ride, and some of them they eat.
And then (the cattle) We have subdued to them, and some of them they ride upon, and some of them they eat.
And We made them –the cattle– subservient to them in one way or other; some of them do they ride and of others they eat
And We have subdued them for their (use), so among them are (some on) whom they ride and (some) of them they eat.
And We have tamed them for them, so of them, ride them, and of them they eat.
And that We have subjected them to their (use)? of them some do carry them and some they eat
And We have tamed them for them, so some of them - they ride them, and some of them they eat
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